Day #1008 (Sun., Oct. 7, 2012) – The Big Dominoes
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My wife is getting better but still not 100% so I tried to manage Katie today. It’s raining like made so I will not be able to take Katie to the park which makes the process even more challenging. I made turkey bacon, eggs and pancakes for starters. We ate…Katie did not.
This morning I brought out the big dominoes that we picked up for Katie when we were last at TJ Maxx. I showed her how the game worked but she was more interested in kicking down the towers that daddy made out of the blocks. She got a great kick out of how horrified I was when she tried to munch on them.

Just before bed Katie decided that she would put little puddles of milk from her bottle all along the hallway to the bedrooms. It has sure been hard to handle her today. She is such an outdoors person…she doesn’t like to be “cooped up” too much.
1) Katie destroyed domino towers and a cardboard dollhouse today.