Day #1019 (Thu., Oct. 18, 2012) – Katie Visits The State Fair
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Both my wife and I took today off work so that we could take Katie to the State Fair. She slept in this morning as she was up and down all night, so we didn’t get away til after 9am.
We took 8 cans of Food Lion veggies so that both my wife and I could get into the fair for free ($5.10 for the cans as opposed to $16.00 for two tickets). As Katie is under 3 years old she got in free.
We saw the various attractions in order. The farm equipment and the bunnies and then we stopped off for lunch. My wife had a chicken pita while I had a huge turkey leg. Of course Katie sampled everything.

After lunch we went to see the pens of assorted farm animals. There was a mother sow there with all her piglets (see photo to the left). Katie has been talking about pigs all the time as of late so I thought she would spend a lot of time looking at them but she came, she saw, and was off to the next great thing.
The games and rides section of the fair was next. My wife played a dart & balloon game (3 darts for $5.00). Everyone got a prize so Katie had her choice of teddy bears or various stuffed animals. She chose a plush rose…such a girl.
We bought a ticket to the merry-go-round for Katie…one ride for $3.00. My wife held her on the horse and at first she was scared half to death but she soon warmed up. I guess that bump on the head last Sunday has affected her sense of adventure.
Heading for the home stretch we stopped off at the baby pig races and the petting zoo. The announcer at the races was quite loud with the microphone so it kind of scared Katie but she did enjoy feeding the animals at the petting zoo…$1.00 for a small baggie of carrots.
Heading home we picked up some cotton candy for $4.00 and candy apples (3 for $5.00) and then headed for the exit. Katie was so tired she slept on the way home. All in all a great day at the fair.
We called up Christina (our real estate agent) and she told us that we sold our house in Cary so I guess you could say that today was a celebration day. She said she left us a phone message earlier in the day but we did not get it. We went to Sal’s Pizza down the street to celebrate some more.
1) Katie’s first home was confirmed sold today.