Day #1021 (Sat., Oct. 20, 2012) – Some Assembly Required
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Katie is still getting up in the middle of the night. At 2am I heard her crying and as I went to get her my wife was coming back from her room. I guess she has been up every hour or so. I said that I would take over and my wife went back to bed. I gave Katie a bowl of raisins, cheerios and sunflower seed and she munched on them while she sipped her warm milk. She wanted me to read a “turkey book” to her, which I did, but she was soon up roaming around. It’s 3:17am right now and we are watching “Backyardigans”. No sign of tiredness…at least in Katie…
4:57am – Katie is out…
While my wife took Katie to the park this morning I assembled the grill that we got from Amazon yesterday. Like the box says, some assembly required…and they sure weren’t kidding. When they got back I had it half assembled in the living room. I’ll finish it off later in the day (or tomorrow).
When Katie went for a nap I went down to WalGreens to get a propane tank. They took my money, couldn’t open the case to get me a tank, gave me my money back and directed me to the competition across the street. Go figure… I ended up at Lowe’s where I got one for $5 cheaper…

This evening we went to a pizza parlor down the road (near HT & Timberline Theater) for dinner. Katie was fascinated with the fruit on the relief painting on the wall (see photo to the right). We then went to Maple Dairy Farms for dinner. Katie has not had any ibuprofin all day and seems fine. In fact, she is in many ways a “Bunny on Steroids”. We’re thinking that she is feeling better and is making up for lost time.
1) Once the ibuprofin kicks in Katie becomes a “Bunny On Steroids”.