Day #1023 (Mon., Oct. 22, 2012) – Our Turn For Snacks
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It is our turn to supply snacks for Katie’s preschool so my wife was up at 5am cutting vegetables (Katie actually started crying…the reason she was up so early). She put them in some Trader Joe’s yogurt dip and served them in stainless steel little cups (see photo to the right). Mary, the director of the school, announced that this was the first day in the school’s history that they had a snack on “silver” (actually stainless steel) platters.
This evening I grilled some hamburgers in the grill…delish. Katie liked picking the sunflower seeds off the buns more than she enjoyed the hamburgers.
8:00pm – I’m watching Katie “eat” her cereal. She hand picked all the cheerios out of the bowl and is now proceeding to drink the milk via a spoon. Usually she just leaves the cheerios behind. She just looked at me and said “hello”. Now she is reclining in her little chair and saying “look at me”.
Katie wanted me to make a pig out of Play Doh for her this evening. I’m not sure why she has this sudden fascination with pigs. It was there even before our trip to the State Fair to see all the animals last week. Maybe because of Peppa Pig on television?
1) Katie has suddenly become fascinated with pigs.