Day #1028 (Sat., Oct. 27, 2012) – Hunting For Halloween Decorations
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My wife wanted to get the house ready for the upcoming Halloween party so I took Katie to the playground. She wanted to stay on the swing for most of the time and I did manage to get one precious picture of her swinging. Funny, the first picture came out fantastic but all the others after that were terrible. Funny how it works some times.
Katie wanted me to make a penguin (like Henry from Oswald) out of Play Doh. You can see my attempt in the photo to the right.
This evening my wife and I bundled up Katie and went looking for Halloween Decorations in the Chapel Hill area. We thought that Ferrington Village would be a great choice…but no go. In fact, all the shops were closed when we got there so we had to turn around and come home. Katie did get the chance to see a few of the cows though…
On the way home we stopped off at the Weaver Street Market in Southern Village for dinner. Southern Village seemed to have quite a few Halloween decorations…even scarecrows outside the various shops. In fact, it will probably be a great place to go look at Christmas decorations as well.
1) Katie is getting more and more excited about Halloween.