Day #1031 (Tue., Oct. 30, 2012) – Prep Day

2012-10-30 - Purple Bat
2012-10-30 – Purple Bat

Yesterday at preschool Katie made a purple bat (see photo to the right). It now adorns our fridge…

Looks like there won’t be many Halloween revelers in the New York area. Hurricane Sandy came ashore and caused quite a bit of devastation. Many homes are without power.

Tomorrow is the big Halloween Party that we will be hosting so today is the final full day of preparations. My wife developed a map that has little red dots on it…and each dot represents a house in our neighborhood that would like to see kids stop by tomorrow night. We are not sure if we will be able to visit them all…but if not they can always bring their treats over to our house to see the kids and have a nice warm meal.

We needed plastic cutlery so I went and got some at Sam’s Club at noon. We needed #6 diapers for Katie so I picked a small package up at Target as well.

Katie got a great kick out of feeding daddy crackers this evening. It all started by me putting on in my mouth. Soon Katie was rushing across the living room to feed me one after another. Enough is enough…nobody can eat that many crackers.

1) Katie made a purple bat in preschool today.