Day #1038 (Tue., Nov. 6, 2012) – Christina’s Last Day
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This is Christina’s last day as Katie’s babysitter. She said that she would stick around until we found a new babysitter. With Rebecca joining us on Friday this will be Christina’s last day. We wish her well with all her pursuits.
Christina took Katie to the gym. She played a game of parachute and today Katie was the “Cat Under The Parachute”.
This evening Katie lined up all her animals in a row. When one of them fell down she had a bit of a tantrum. My wife tells me that this is common for children of her age. She is running off of emotions as their brains have not developed enough to think about things logically.
I recorded “Wow Wow Wuzzby” for Katie. She used to watch it quite a bit when we were living in Cary and I found it on the DVR last night. She wanted “Goblin Night” (Surprise Surprise!), but when I put this particular show on she went into her “television trance”.

My wife was not feeling well this evening so she went to bed early. Katie starts to cry and whine if she doesn’t see her mommy these days so I had to think of something to keep her entertained. I created two “ghosts” out of paper towels and a haunted house out of a lasagna box (see photo to the left). While we played away the election results were streaming across the television…
1) This is Katie’s babysitter Christina’s last day.