Day #1039 (Wed., Nov. 7, 2012) – The Tootsie Roll Ghost

Miss April (the main preschool teacher) said that Katie would not behave in music class today. She was bouncing around and not listening to instruction so she had to put her out of the class for a while til she calmed down. My wife apologized and said that she can be a handful at times. Miss April said that this was fine…learning the ropes is what preschool is for.

2012-11-07 - Sucker From Work
2012-11-07 – Sucker From Work

I grabbed a cup of coffee at the lunch area at work today. They usually have some treats left out…usually from people who want to get rid of their Halloween candy. Today there was a “little ghost”…(see photo to the right) similar to the ones that I made last night. This one had a tootsie roll and sick as a head and body (see photo to the right). I just had to have it for Katie.

When I gave this “Ghost Sucker” to Katie this evening she was some excited. I explained to her that she needed to put the sucker back into the wrapper when she was done licking it. She seemed to understand…but let’s see if it takes. Soon I was making “Play Doh Heads” and “Pencil Bodies” for the other little ghosts I made last night.

This evening I showed Katie the video “The Monster Mash“…which I remember from dances in my youth. She called it “Monster Blue” (for some reason at first) but soon got the name right. I knew she would love it…and she did. What have I done… 🙂

Katie was in bed at 10am and talking to herself…

“Are you ok? OK..
Hmmm – that’s weird… That’s weird…
I know you don’t want to go to the park, you want to sleep here.
Oh my God!
Llama llama misses mama
Close your eyes and do not peek
Mama llama – you came back!”

1) Katie had to be put out of the preschool class today.