Day #1047 (Thu., Nov. 15, 2012) – Painted Acorns
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Katie is into painting things these days. You can see her collection of purple acorns in the photo to the right.
My wife took Katie to the dentist today. She was extremely well behaved. She even opened her mouth wide when the dentist asked her to. I guess her tooth is coming back nicely…there is little chance that she will lose it now. I guess that sucking on a pacifier is actually good in this particular circumstance as it helps to protect the tooth.
I learned that the ladies at the gym (where Katie goes on Tuesday) are very impressed with Katie. They feel that she is the best child there.
I had to go to the dentist at 11am this morning so I stopped off at the house on the way back to work. My wife was out running errands but Rebecca was there. I found her and Katie snuggled up in the LazyBoy watching television with Katie munching on a hot dog. I asked Rebecca if she thought Katie was a smart child and she said that since she has only seen her twice it is hard to judge.
1) Katie was very cooperative at the dentist today.