Day #1054 (Thu., Nov. 22, 2012) – Thanksgiving “Beaver Feeder”

There was a commercial on television this morning about Justin Bieber and they referred to “Bieber Fever”. I said wait til Katie goes guy crazy over stuff like that. Well Katie overheard me and thought I was talking about “Beaver Feeder”…and she wouldn’t let go. As we were getting Katie ready to go to the park she said “I want to go see beaver feeder”.

2012-11-22 - Inflatable Turkey
2012-11-22 – Inflatable Turkey

She started to cry every time I told her we were going to the park, so I had to make a change of plans and and find a “place” where beavers might be. I thought I would take her to Jordan Lake but we didn’t quite make it. Instead we ended up at this honor system pumpkin patch with a huge inflatable turkey (see photo to the right) and some old antique cars. I let Katie out and she ran around and played. No water here so I pretended that there might be a beaver under some of the pallets. We looked for them, but none around… 🙂

Emily, Katie’s former babysitter, came over for Thanksgiving Dinner. We had quite the feast. Afterwards we went into the living room and put on the Thanksgiving Parade that we recorded earlier in the day. Katie couldn’t get enough of the big heads on the pilgrim man and woman. Play, rewind, and repeat. She kept mentioning how he was a grumpy old man.

1) Katie had her own version of “Bieber Fever” this morning.