Day #1055 (Fri., Nov. 23, 2012) – A Tube Of Pigs & Bunnies
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As soon as Katie got up this morning she wanted to see more of the “Big Head Man” so we watched that over and over and over again. She kept mentioning how grumpy he was and that he had a grumpy head, grumpy eyes, grumpy ears and grumpy eyebrows. She also mentioned that he lived in a grumpy house.
The guys from Home Depot are delivering our new washer/dryer this morning (see photo to the right) so we decided to stay home with Katie as opposed to taking her to the park. When they arrived the cord from the dryer was not long enough to reach the outlet, so we packed Katie up and off to Home Depot we went.
At Home Depot I got a longer cord for the dryer while Katie got a bag of popcorn from one of the employees. She munched on it all the way home. We stopped off at WholeFoods so my wife could get some goat’s milk and apple juice (in the big glass jug). Rather than get out of the car I drove Katie around the parking lot to save time. As fate would have it she saw “fishes” on a toy store window, so as soon as my wife was done shopping we ended up taking Katie to the toy store.
The “fishes” that Katie was referring to was paper oragami on the windows. Once inside Katie spotted her prize…a tube of plastic pigs & bunnies. She wouldn’t let go so we ended up getting them for her (she is so into animals these days). We also got a farm mat for her for Christmas, but she didn’t notice that…she was too transfixed on her pigs & bunnies.
1) Not sure why Katie has such a fascination with pigs. Maybe because of “Peppa Pig”?