Day #1056 (Sat., Nov. 24, 2012) – Looking For Christmas Lights
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My wife gave me a break today and took Katie to the park. I guess that some of the older kids were rather mean to her and wouldn’t play with her so my wife came home after about an hour. I managed to get some cleaning done in the living room.
This evening, after Katie’s nap, we decided that we would drive out to Hillsborough and look for Christmas tree lights. We found the house near the WalMart that everyone is raving about. It is nice, and there are lots of lights, but the road has a lot of traffic and there is no place to park. Once Katie saw them and we were not able to get out she had a fit, so we decided then and there that we would find an alternate route home.

In downtown Hillsborough we saw some lights on the main street, but nothing really spectacular. As I made a turn to head home I happened to go down a side street and from the distance we could see an onslaught of light. We were lucky…we seemed to come across the only house for miles that had lights on it, and what a how it was. Even better, it was on a relatively tranquil street with a Church parking lot across the street. Bingo! We took Katie would and roamed around the lawn with the decorations (we figured that the owners wouldn’t mind). Katie liked the one of the “Santa riding the Polar Bear” (see photo to the right). Soon we said good-bye to the decorations and lights and headed home.
When we got home Katie was in a rather “active” frame of mind…more so than usual. I ended up playing with her while my wife did some work. I thought I would test how good her imaginary play was, so as we were on the master bed I told her that this was a raft going down the river. We pretended to go over a waterfall and batted crocodiles away from the side of the raft. Soon we took the raft to shore and looked for food (carrots & popcorn…Katie’s idea). Once found we made an imaginary fire and cooked our meal. After our tummies were full we pretended to sleep.
Getting Katie to “actually sleep” was not as easy, but eventually we were able to call it a night.
1) We took Katie out to Hillsborough to look for Christmas lights this evening.