Day #1057 (Sun., Nov. 25, 2012) – Skype On The iPhone
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It was quite cold outside so we decided to stay at home today. No park for Katie. No eating out. No getting out of the house and playing. We were a bit worried about this as Katie tends to be quite a handful when she doesn’t get out. She was quite good considering.
I did a Skype session with my mother this afternoon. The difference was that this was on the iPhone. Isn’t modern technology wonderful? It did disconnect a couple of times but was rather successful I must say. It will be really great to utilize this technology when we take Katie to the park. We have only had Skype capability via our computers at home before now.
This evening we brought out the audio “The Night Before Christmas” book that I made for Katie last year. She was more able to take in what was happening this year…although she still didn’t want to sit still for the entire reading of the book. Perhaps next year.
Katie also loves to play “sleepover” on the floor next to the bed or out in the living room. The drawback to all this is that daddy has to go and gather up his blanket whenever he wants to go to sleep. Katie is really good at taking things away from their normal location, and very bad at bringing them back.
My wife got an email this evening…they are having a Lithuanian Christmas Party in Morrisville this year. Katie will love it as they have a Santa and pass out gifts. They sometimes have a children’s play as well.
1) Katie is into imaginary sleepovers…won’t be long before we will be doing the “real thing”.