Day #1071 (Sun., Dec. 9, 2012) – Lithuanian Christmas Party
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My wife took Katie to the park this morning while I tended to jobs around the house. The door on the hallway sticks from time-to-time and this can cause Katie to awaken when she is sleeping, so that was the first number of order. As it turns out the knob had to be taken apart and soaked in oil. Let’s see if that does the trick.
This afternoon we drove out to Cary for the Lithuanian Christmas Party. Santa showed up between 4-5pm and Katie was the first one to get a gift (see photo to the left). Everyone was remarking how friendly she was and how she sat on Santa’s lap grinning from cheek-to-cheek. She got a little wooden puzzle set in which one side of the picture was an animal and the next side of the picture was the letter that the animal’s name began with. For example, “D” for “Dog”.
I watched Katie while my wife talked to Dalia from Charlotte. Katie was playing with Timmy and another boy a game of laser (or something). They pretended to shoot laser beams at each other and then chase after them. Katie of course enjoyed all the chasing.
One little girl got a Minnie Mouse doll with plastic accessories. Of course Katie took to that. I had to tell her that it was the other girls toy and that she should ask her if she could play with it. She did.
We left for home around 6:00pm. Katie got into the stickers in one of the drawers when we got home and daddy was the recipient.
1) Katie went to the Lithuanian Christmas Party this evening.