Day #83 (Sat., Mar. 27, 2010) – The Short Drive Miracle

8:00am – My wife and little Katie are sleeping so I went to the kitchen to clean a few dishes. I have to do this when little Katie is not in her swing as the noise will awaken her.

2010-03-27 - Caterpillar
2010-03-27 - Caterpillar

The photo to the right shows a toy caterpillar that my wife picked up at the sale yesterday. She has been wanting to get one of these for a long while. Only $3.00.

My wife and I spent a lot of time this morning trying to get little Katie to eat and go to bed. She seemed more interested in playing with me. We “rode the bicycle”, “flying chipmunk”, “swing baby for a burp”, and various renditions of her favorite songs. It looks like she is going to require a lot more of our time and attention to sing and play with her as she gets older.

I was finally able to get her to go to sleep. She was tired to start with, so I’m not sure this will work all the time. I started to rub her head and sang to her. She was trying to keep her eyes open, but could not. Eventually she fell asleep and we put her to bed.

We had a Skype with my mother this afternoon. She got to see little Katie on the Garden Gym. This was probably the best session yet as little Katie was wide awake and very animated.

As the baby was playing on the baby playmat I stuck my head in under the overhangs and started singing to her. I think she found that fascinating. It was like a singing head was hanging from the overhangs.

8:30pm – Little Katie is fussy tonight. She didn’t have a long sleep today (but quite a few short naps), so I drove her around the neighborhood for a bit to “unwind”. 30 minutes later she was asleep and I took her home. My wife stayed home to study.

9:54pm – Little Katie loves it when I sing “Frosty the Chipmunk” to her (with this melody of course).

1) Little Katie will calm down after you take her for a short drive. Beats staying at home and pulling your hair out…