Day #1082 (Thu., Dec. 20, 2012) – Be Patient…Good Night
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Our former babysitter Emily stopped by this evening. Katie was so happy to see her that she jumped up and down.
Today is the 3rd Day Of Christmas and the gift that Katie opened was a Winnie The Pooh Puzzle (see photo to the left). Daddy spent more time putting it together than Katie did. She was so wound up…hard to get her to sit still long enough to do something as boring as a puzzle.
This evening Katie and I pretended to have the flu. She brought out a huge bowl and put all kinds of stuff in it. When I asked her what she was doing she said that she was making chocolate chip cookies so that I would feel better.
Later this evening Katie started putting all kinds of things into a sack…she told me that it was my Christmas present. Soon after she left the bedroom. Just before she slammed the door she said that I had to be patient and “good night”.
Ramona replied to my wife’s invite for Katie’s birthday party. She will be coming. That means that Katie will have three of her nannies and former nannies here…Rebecca, Emily, and Ramona.
1) Katie made daddy some pretend chocolate chip cookies this evening.