Day #1084 (Sat., Dec. 22, 2012) – Potty Training
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Today is Day #5 of the Days of Christmas. Katie opened up the present while my mother watched on Skype. It was the book that she sent us…”Up On The Housetop” (see photo to the left). There is a switch on the back so that you can have it play music when you open it. I think I’ll get the guitar chords to put over the lyrics so that I can play guitar while Katie dances about.
My wife and I bundled up Katie and took her to Trader Joe’s shopping this morning. It was too cold to go to the park and we needed to get supplies for Christmas at any rate.
We are going to try and toilet train Katie this weekend. It’s quite an adventure. Katie has been making her presence known all over the house, but in the end…she did go twice in the toilet. We made sure that we praised her like mad. She was so proud of herself.
I had to excuse myself later this evening and go to the bathroom. Katie yelled out “Are you going to pee pee like me and mommy”. I replied “something like that”…
1) Katie has started to potty train today.