Day #1088 (Wed., Dec. 26, 2012) – The Day After
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Katie woke up before 7 am, crying. My wife went to get her and Katie told her: “Mommy, I fell down on the floor. All by myself”. This child sure loves the floor…especially to sleep on.
It is raining cats & dogs this morning so I took the time to explain to Katie how the rain works. I told her that the trees drink the rain to which she replied “They have no mouths”. So, I decided to draw her a picture of the process and how trees drink water through their roots.
Katie got a mother pig for Christmas and she has become very attached to it. In the photo to the left you can see it tucked into bed…
The show “Dinosaur Train” is on television now. Katie really didn’t like this show much when I showed it to her last year but I guess she has grown into it. It has two of the things that children love the most…trains and dinosaurs.
I was wondering when this day would come…it is here. Katie has started to say “why” quite a bit. When you answer a question she will say “why?”. When you answer that question she will reply “why?”. Up til now she has been commenting on seeing an animal by replying “What’s it doing?”. I’m told that this stage of a youngster’s life can be quite maddening for the parents.
I put Katie’s black shoes on the big teddy bear and pretending it could “tap dance”. Katie got a kick out of that.
1) Katie has really taken to a mother pig toy.