Day #1090 (Fri., Dec. 28, 2012) – Remembering The Yogurt Pump
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I took today off of work. I will also be taking Monday off so it will be quite a nice little vacation with the family. I go back to work next Wednesday…the day after New Years.
Katie got into the marshmallows today. You can see the result in the photo to the left.
We took Katie out for a drive this afternoon. On the drive home we passed the Yogurt Pump store. We haven’t been there for frozen yogurt in months. Katie has an incredible memory for things like this.
Time for Katie to take a bath this evening. It was tough getting her into the bathtub but she seemed to calm down when I showed up to play with her. I showed her how to suck water up into the mouth of her little plastic animals and shoot it out when you pushed the belly. She doesn’t have the hang of it just yet…probably just as well.
For some reason Katie is into putting this shoelace loop around my neck and pretending that I’m her doggie. In fact she doesn’t mind it when the roles are reversed either. I guess we will have to get her a dog at some point.
My wife wrapped up two gifts for Helen’s birthday party tomorrow. A play stainless steel pot set and a set of beads. She had to be careful for the little pitter patter of tiny feed coming down the hallway…we need to keep them away from Katie.
1) Katie got into the marshmallows today and threw them all over the kitchen floor.