Day #1092 (Sun., Dec. 30, 2012) – Homemade Palm Trees
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My wife made a couple of palm trees out of our floor lamps, some construction paper, and Amazon packing paper (see photo to the left). They look great.
Katie and I were playing on the bed this morning when Katie decided that she wanted her doctor’s kit. When I suggested she go get it she said “Can you get it…I’m too tired”. As I went to get the doctor’s kit I said “Katie you’re something else”. She replied “Yes, I am something else”.
I put up curtains in the two upstairs bathrooms this afternoon. We are gradually getting the house in order for Katie’s birthday next weekend.
Katie is doing pretty good in regards to the potty training. The only problem arises when she is watching cartoons. Sometimes she gets too involved with them that she forgets to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately this often happens on my LazyBoy or my bed…
I went to Home Depot this evening to pick up a latch for the washer/dryer room. While there I picked up some “rectangular” door knob covers (so Katie will not be able to open doors) and a couple of latches for the washer/dryer so she cannot open them.
Another late night for Katie. She didn’t get up from her nap til just before I got home from Home Depot. She sent a lot of time this evening “doctoring” (testing out her doctor kit and putting bandages on me) and “dressing” (putting various hats and bracelets on me).
1) Katie said that she is “Something Else” today.