Day #1096 (Thu., Jan. 3, 2013) – Katie’s First Bus Ride
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Becka took Katie for a ride on the Chapel Hill Bus system today. This is the first time that Katie rode on a bus. They went down Franklin Street and had a donut at Krispy Kreme. Katie told me that she had a sprinkled donut. I looked at the pictures that Becka took and sure enough, there was Katie with a sprinkled donut.

I went to the Dollar Store at noon today and picked up some extra party supplies for my wife. In particular she wanted 3 more packages of jungle animal stickers. I also got her a package of “sticky” darts (see photo to the right)…I thought Katie would like them.
Katie did like those “sticky” darts that I got her today. We played throwing them at the animal poster that my wife put on the wall yesterday. The poster is actually going to be used on Saturday to “pin the nose on the lion”…but it will do today for darts as well.
Unfortunately the “dart fun” didn’t last for long. Katie managed to pick the sticky part off the ends of the darts. In about another year they will be perfect for her. For now, they just don’t hold up to the “toddler test”.
Tonight I painted some styrofoam balls “brown”. My wife wants to use them as coconuts on her palm trees.
1) “Sticky Darts” don’t hold up to Katie’s “toddler test”.