Day #1097 (Fri., Jan. 4, 2013) – Katie’s 3rd Birthday
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Happy Birthday Katie!
My wife took Katie to the doctor today and Katie is 39″ and 36.4 lbs today which puts her at 90th percentile for both height and weight. Katie usually doesn’t mind visiting the doctor but today was different. She wouldn’t let the nurse check her eyes. She just cried and hugged mommy. Very unusual for Katie. The nurse tried to make it out as a game but Katie was having no part of it.
Becca came today and took Katie to the park (the first time she has been to the park since we started the potty training process). They got the chance to walk the trails together.
My wife gave Katie the doll that my grandmother sent. It is her birthday afterall even though most of the festivities and action will be tomorrow.
Giving Katie a bath this evening was not without it’s drama as well. She doesn’t like baths (or the anticipation of baths) much, but once she gets to splash around a bit she is fine. Once her hair got wet I noticed how long it is. You wouldn’t know that once it gets dry as it bundles up into “Shirley Temple” springs.
I went to bed a bit early this evening and my wife and I are sure glad that I did. She woke me up around 11:30pm…Katie wouldn’t go to sleep. Daddy’s turn to try and entertain her while my wife went to bed. This “tag team” approach works wonders when dealing with an active and energetic child such as Katie.
1) We are ready for Katie’s 3rd Birthday Party tomorrow!