Day #1102 (Wed., Jan. 9, 2013) – Mary Talks Katie
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Katie has not been herself the last couple of days. She is extremely fussy and I guess this spilled over to school. Mary, the preschool director, talked to my wife today. She mentioned that Katie didn’t eat any snacks today (my wife supplied them as you can see in the photo to the left) and when they tried to take her to the potty she refused to go. This might have been her polite way to say that Katie is being a pain…but we realize that Katie has not been herself lately.
The mother of one of Katie’s classmates who was not able to attend the party on Saturday gave my wife a gift today. It was a lovely dress. I guess that she doesn’t have a daughter and has always wanted to buy a dress for a girl. My wife was saying that this was rather brave as getting clothes for young girls can be difficult…I guess she was willing to take on the challenge.
Having said that, when Katie does go to the potty (she will often go by herself these days) she takes great delight in coming and telling either my wife or me. She will more often than not approach us with her head downcast and say “I have something to tell you”. It looks like she is about to tell you that she did something wrong, but as she tells you “I went on the potty” she will start to smile and lighten up. Where did she learn this little routine from?
Katie wanted me to put her to bed this evening. I read her a couple of stories and then turned out the light and that was it.
1) Katie has quite the potty routine these days.