Day #1112 (Sat., Jan. 19, 2013) – Bozo The Pirate
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The snow is quickly disappearing, so my wife took Katie outside with her sled and dragged her around the backyard. While they were out I did some work around the house. I put new screws in the hall doorway as they came loose. I then put pads on the door frame of not only this door but the door to Katie’s room. Now they open and close almost silently…a necessity when you are trying to put Katie to bed.
This evening Katie wanted daddy to put her to bed. The first time worked…at first, but it didn’t last. Soon she was up and in daddy’s arms on the LazyBoy. The second time? Well, instead of daddy reading a story he decided that he would tell Katie a story. I had to think quickly…so the following was the best I could come up with on such short notice…
Once upon a time, and a long time ago, there was a pirate named Bozo. Now Bozo was not no ordinary pirate. He was different in the fact that he liked to juggle. He would wander around the pirate ship and juggle whatever he could get his hands on. A mop, a bucket, whatever. One day he met a little girl named Katie and she said that she would like him to juggle cats. So Bozo did. Up would go a cat, and down it would come “Raaaarrrrreeee….”. After a while Bozo mentioned to Katie, “The cats don’t look too happy”. Katie replied, “Because you need to reward them”. “What would they like” Bozo asked? “They like tuna” Katie answered. So before you know it, Bozo put down the cats, got a fishing rod, went to the side of the pirate ship, and started to fish. Soon he caught a tuna. He quickly made some tuna snacks and fed them to the cats. With their tummies fed everyone was happy. Bozo loved to juggle, so he resumed juggling cats. The cats were full of their favorite tuna treats, so they were happy. And Katie? Well, she loved to see cats being juggled so she was happy as well. The end.
Not sure if it was the craziness of this story, or the fact that the sandman finally got Katie, but towards the end of the story her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she fell down, and was “out like a light”. Mission accomplished. I should also add, no cats were harmed in the narration of this story.
1) I told Katie the story of “Bozo The Pirate” this evening.