Day #1114 (Mon., Jan. 21, 2013) – Toddler Proofing The Armoire
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The computer armoire that I purchased yesterday in Cary arrived in Chapel Hill this morning (see photo to the right). Katie was so excited to see the movers bringing it in. She would jump up and down and it was quite a struggle to keep her out of their way.
It’s a nice armoire. It’s main purpose will be to have an area where I can organize my papers so that Katie cannot get to them and “reorganize them” according to her own methodology (i.e.: The Chaos Theory). I happened to leave my wallet out this afternoon and all the credit cards and contents were scattered about on the bed so it could not have come at a more opportune time.
Well, now that it is home we have to make safeguards to secure it. This afternoon I went to Home Depot and got some nylon “toddler proof” locks for it. Not the prettiest things in the world, but they will do the trick and they cost under $3.00 for a pair of them. I also got some hooks to secure the unit to the wall.
Since Katie did a #2 on the potty this afternoon my wife gave her a present. She told Katie that once she did it she would get a present…and today is the day. She brought out a big box of red cardboard building blocks. Of course we had to assemble the blocks, but they are very sturdy and will last for a long while. We are thinking of eventually locating the big box of them to the fireplace. We won’t be using the fireplace and this looks like a great “out of the way” place.
This evening I realized that the hooks I got at Home Depot this afternoon will not be long enough now that we have decided to put the armoire in the corner of the bedroom, so off to Home Depot I went this evening. My wife wanted to clean out the fridge (which can be an incredibly taxing process if Katie is about), so I took Katie with me. I guess you could say that this was our first “Daddy Daughter” date.
As I was looking for the appropriate hooks at Home Depot Katie was playing with a tray of loose washers. I had to keep an eye on her so that she didn’t throw them about. Once I found what I needed I had Katie carry them to the counter for daddy. She was so proud to be helping out, and the clerks were very happy to see her as well. Once we got home I had Katie run to the door and take them to mommy so she could see what we got.
1) I secured the new computer armoire today so that Katie cannot get into it, or be hurt by it.