Day #1121 (Mon., Jan. 28, 2013) – AM With Katie

My wife had an appointment this morning so I stayed home with Katie. Katie was still sleeping when my wife came home…and that was around 10:30am. While I was at work my wife sent me an email…Katie got up at 12:30am. She lives like a rock star…prowling around all night and sleeping during the day.

2013-01-28 - Surveying The Land
2013-01-28 – Surveying The Land
As it turns out Katie’s cold didn’t get much worse than it was. In fact, she was outside prowling around and surveying the land around the house (as you can see in the photo to the left).

Just before I left work, around 4:30pm, my wife gave me a call at work. Katie fell off the popcorn tin that we got at Trader Joe’s for Christmas and bloodied her lip. She wanted her daddy so my wife gave me a call. I told Katie that I would be home soon and that I would bring her a special lollipop. I was to learn later that Katie had been talking about it since then…good thing I arrived home with a special lollipop. A green one…Katie’s favorite color.

Katie has taken to playing “soccer” as she calls it, in the master bedroom. This evening she made my wife leave so that we could play alone. She throws the ball and I will hit it back with her toy hockey stick. This didn’t last too long. My wife told me that this is because her attention span is so short. You give one minute for each year, so that means her attention span is 3 minutes.

Katie calls the “Berenstein Bears” cartoon the “Spearstein Bears”. I should also note that she calls Pelicans “Peckalins” as well.

1) Katie fell off the TJ popcorn tin today and bloodied her lip.