Day #1124 (Thu., Jan. 31, 2013) – Pound Puppies
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There is a new cartoon that Katie has started watching. It is called “Pound Puppies” and revolves around a number of puppies who are caged inside the city pound, but manage to get out and roam around whenever they want. I think they could be doing almost anything…it’s the fact that they are cute little doggies that Katie likes.

Not sure if I ever posted a picture of the drapes in Katie’s bedroom. I’m going to rectify that now with the photo to the right.
I’m still not feeling my best, but even though, I try not to cough. If I cough Katie hears me and comes wanting to play. Such was the case this evening. Katie showed up and wanted to play ball. I tried to distract her with cartoons, but to no avail.
Later this evening Katie wanted to play with the balloons that my wife put up for Katie’s Jungle Animals Birthday Party. These are the last of the balloons. Katie dragged them around the house pretending that they were puppies.
We try to keep Katie away from the water…which is tough. She loves to play in the water but it really affects her eczema.
1) Katie has discovered a new cartoon “Pound Puppies”…