Day #1132 (Fri., Feb. 8, 2013) – TJ “Goldfish”?
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I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work to get the “usual” this evening. One thing that was a bit different on the shelves was TJ “Goldfish”. Kids love these little goldfish crackers that you can get in most grocery stores. Problem is…they are not necessarily the most healthy snacks. Well, Trader Joe’s has made a healthier version that they call “Rockets” (see photo to the right). I picked up a package to take home to Katie. She loved them.
This evening Katie took all the blankets off the master bed and relocated them to her bed. When I asked why she mumbled something about creating a “Turtle Nest”. She loves to be surrounded by her books and plush animals. Add these new blankets to the mix.
Another product that I bought at Trader Joe’s this evening was something called a “Pomelo”. Katie saw it on the counter and was fascinated with it. I told her to take it to show mommy and see if mommy would let her eat it. Off she went with this citrus “bowling ball”…
Here’s what I found out about it… The pomelo tastes like a sweet, mild grapefruit, though the typical pomelo is much larger in size than the grapefruit. It has very little, or none, of the common grapefruit’s bitterness, but the enveloping membranous material around the segments is bitter, considered inedible, and thus usually is discarded.
While Katie sat on my lap this evening watching “Little Bear Goblin Night’ my wife fed us bowl after bowl of pomelo….then on to grapefruit. I think Katie preferred the grapefruit.
1) Katie now has her own version of goldfish crackers…”TJ’s Rockets”.