Day #1148 (Sun., Feb. 24, 2013) – Katie’s First House Warming Party
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Our neighbors had a house warming party this evening so we dressed up Katie and away we went. They had an area in the basement for the kids to play in. At first there were no kids so my wife and I took turns tending to Katie and socializing. Soon the kids rolled in and Katie had lots of playmates.
Katie can be funny at parties. She likes to socialize and talk. She even went up to a few adults and said “What was your name again” and introduced herself. At times the whole “Party Experience” could get too much for her as well. We would find her sitting by herself in a room or on a couch or bed. She spent a lot of time looking at the fish in the aquarium (see photo to the left). Time out to reflect I guess…
We arrived at 6pm but by 8:15pm we headed for home. Katie was getting a bit wilder as the evening progressed. Once she started to hit one of the plants I figured it was time to go home… Often times it takes a while for Katie to “wind down” from parties and I really don’t want to be up in the middle of the night driving her around the neighborhood to calm down.
1) Katie went to her first house warming party this evening.