Day #1153 (Fri., Mar. 1, 2013) – One Becca, One Mommy, One Daddy
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Katie was a bit fussy when I got home from work this evening. She asked me for a lollipop and I said that I didn’t think she deserved it. When she convinced me that she was a good girl I gave her a lollipop…but she soon went back to being fussy.
Katie is really into Duplo Blocks and jungle animals these days (see photo to the right). More often than not we will build cages or a “zoo” to house the various jungle animals.
Here’s a gem of Katie’s wisdom this evening: “You know, I have one Becca, one Mommy and one Daddy”.
All three of us feel like we are coming down with something today. My throat was raw all day and Katie had a bit of a fever (99.3 degrees F). My wife went to bed early this evening…perhaps it is just lack of sleep…for all of us…
After my wife went to bed Katie and I started off by playing zoo in the kitchen. We soon moved into the living room. All of a sudden Katie said “I want to go to bed”. So, a bowl of cheerios & dried blueberries, some warm milk, and a bit of “Goblin Night” and off to bed she went. She was out around 11:30pm.
1) Katie is really into Duplo Blocks and jungle animals these days.