Day #1157 (Tue., Mar. 5, 2013) – Four Pounds Of Spaghetti
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I drove out to Cary to pick up our tax returns from the accountant. We are going to be getting a refund. You Hoo!!! That will come in handy… On the way back to work I stopped off at Food Lion to pick up 4 pounds of spaghetti. My wife asked me to pick it up for tomorrow when she will be serving at Katie’s preschool. They are having a fundraising supper.
Our doctor friend in Charlotte suggested that we keep Katie home from school tomorrow. She said that we want to ensure that she doesn’t catch something else along with the cold. When my wife emailed the school about this here is the reply she got:

No problem on bringing the spaghetti when you come, thanks. I am glad Katie will be some rest from school tomorrow morning, because yesterday after her coughing spells she would just lie on the floor for awhile to recover. We are hoping to stop all the germ sharing in that class! See you tomorrow night,
The picture to the left shows the horse barn Katie and I made last night. You can see the red piggy bank in the foreground.
1) Katie’s preschool is having a fundraising supper tomorrow night.