Day #1161 (Sat., Mar. 9, 2013) – The Roughest Night Yet
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Remember me mentioning the construction paper pumpkin with face features? I thought I would add a photo so you could see what I meant (to the right).
We were up til the wee hours this morning tending to Katie. She just would not sleep…at least for extended periods of time. She would cry and cry until we came to get her. We asked her if she hurt, and earlier in the morning she said it was her foot, but after I was playing with her in the living room she indicated that her ear hurt.
Around 4am we decided that nothing inside the house, no cartoon, no milk, no food, no story, was going to take that edge of Katie so we decided to take her for a drive. She tried to stay awake, but due to exhaustion, she was out. We then took her home and put her to bed. This has to have been the roughest night we have had since Katie was born.
In the morning we called our doctor friend in Charlotte and she said we should have given her some children’s ibuprofen. Not sure why we didn’t think of that? I guess the lack of sleep and general tiredness associated with bringing up a child leads on to becoming “stupid”…at least temporarily…
This evening Katie came and snuggled up in the bed next to me and asked me to go play jungle animals with her. I told her that daddy just didn’t feel well and she settled for some Caillou. When the show was over she once again asked me to play jungle animals. When I yet again told her that I didn’t feel good she said okay and promptly went over to the television to shut it off. She then said “You need to sleep”, shut off the bedroom light, and replied “Good night, sleep tight” as she was leaving the room.
1) This was the roughest night with Katie so far…