Day #89 (Fri., Apr. 2, 2010) – The World Around Her

12:03am – My wife is in the nursery trying to calm little Katie down so she will go to bed. Hopefully soon…we are both almost fainting from exhaustion…

2010-04-02 - Baby Crib
2010-04-02 - Baby Crib

As we were driving around the neighborhood last night I mentioned to my wife that I thought I would be calling my daughter “pumpkin” or “princess”. Never did I think I would be calling her “chipmunk”. My father used to have all sorts of names for me when I was growing up so I guess I am just continuing on in the tradition. Guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree…go figure…

12:14am – Looks like little Katie is done for the evening (morning)…guess we are too… ZZZzzzzzz…..

Little Katie was “chipmunking” this morning so I picked her up from her crib (see photo on the right), changed her, and took her to her mother. She ate for a bit, but soon started cooing and playing. Looks like food might be taking second place to the wonders of the world around her…

I’m so tired that I sometimes find myself formulating a sentence and then half way through it forgetting what I was going to say. What a friend of mine told me is true…you can’t determine when you sleep and when you get up when you have a child. That is what wears you out eventually…

I went to Target today and picked up a light cotton hat for little Katie, then to the Dollar Store to pick up some Easter Supplies.

1) Little Katie is recognizing the world around her more and more.