Day #1169 (Sun., Mar. 17, 2013) – St. Patrick’s Day
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Emily came over to babysit Katie this afternoon while my wife and I went to a “Prevent Abuse” seminar at Katie’s preschool. There were only about 10 people there…I guess quite a few people wanted to stay home and watch the UNC basketball game. We were surprised that we were the only parents who were there.
I’m still fighting off this cold and battled it all during the seminar. When I got home I was so tired that I ate and went to bed. Emily had already put Katie to sleep by that time. The next thing I knew Katie was running into the bedroom screaming that she wanted to play with daddy.

This evening I gave Katie another “Special Present” I got from the Dollar Store last week. This toy was a series of beads that you could put on little pegs (see photo to the right). The box said that they would glow in the dark, which is true, but it was a bit more work than anticipated. You had to “iron” on a sheet of paper on top of the pegs when you were done in order to get them to glow in the dark.
1) Emily took care of Katie this afternoon so my wife and I could attend a “Prevent Abuse” seminar.