Day #1188 (Fri., Apr. 5, 2013) – A Tube Of Toy Australian Animals
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Becca was sick today so my wife had to tend to Katie. I guess that Katie had a bright idea today and said “I need to paint the walls red – to get ready for Christmas.. “.
My wife asked me to go to WholeFoods on the way home to get some goat’s milk and apple juice for Katie. While there I picked up some North Carolina grown strawberries for Katie. On the way out the door I happened to notice that they were selling organic compost. I emailed my wife a photo of it.

When I got home my wife told me that she was staring at the photo of the compost. After dinner we decided to go back to WholeFoods and pick some up. We took Katie along for our adventure. After WholeFoods we went to the toy store a few doors down. Our thoughts were that Katie could pick up a tube of more animals to compliment her “Jungle Animals” collection. She couldn’t decide. When she showed signs of needing to pee my wife took her to the bathroom and said “you choose”. I decided upon a tube of toy Australian animals (see photo to the left).
The next stop was to Yopop up the road. We were thinking of TCBY but I think Yopop has a better selection. The girl behind the counter told me that they were the cheapest frozen yogurt place around as well. Today Katie got a bowl all by herself as she is a “big girl” now. As she munched on her bowl she asked me for some of my chocolate…so I gave her some of my chips.
Back home we started to play with the toy Australian animals. I then took her to my computer and as she passed me the animals one-by-one I looked up a YouTube video of them.
1) We bought Katie a tube of Australian toy animals today.