Day #1189 (Sat., Apr. 6, 2013) – Putting Down Garden Soil
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We spent most of the day today getting the garden ready for planting. Right after breakfast we packed Katie up and went to Home Depot for supplies. My wife got some potting plants and vegetables. I got various screws and bolts for the garden lattice. Katie enjoyed sitting on the lawn mower tractors and munching on a popcorn. She also got a free helium balloon. For some reason she wanted to pretend being a cat and crawling on the floor…go figure…
This afternoon, while Katie was still sleeping, my wife and I went down to the garden and mixed the soil. We just finished putting it into the garden fixture when Katie woke up. Nice to get that done before her arrives…it could be quite messy with her “helping” us.
I’ve almost finished putting the lattice down, and nailing it into place…but I need one more plank (see photo to the left). So, off to Home Depot we went again. While we were there my wife got some more compost and potting soil for tomato plants as well.
On the way home we stopped off at Yopop for some frozen yogurt. Katie insists on having more chocolate in her bowl these days. As we sat down the woman at the table next to us said that Katie was “adorable”.
1) More and more people are telling us that Katie is adorable.