Day #1199 (Tue., Apr. 16, 2013) – You Can Go To Bed
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Our garden is starting to look quite good don’t you think? See photo to the left.
Katie was up at 3am this morning. When I went to get her she was sitting in the corner of her bedroom. She sometimes sleeps on the floor. When you ask her she will say “It’s comfortable”. I got her some cheerios and milk and she watched a bit of “Go Diego Go”. By then my wife was up. When I told Katie that I was going to bed she said “No, let’s play Zebra Fair”. I told her that I would play for two minutes then I had to go to bed as I was working tomorrow. After we played about two minutes she said “You can go to bed”. As I was leaving for the bedroom Katie was up to my wife saying “Can you play zebra fair with me”?
I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work today. Their organic strawberries looked good…looks like the season is here. I got two packages for Katie. My wife called me while I was in the store and told me to make sure that we got some frozen raspberry sorbet for Katie. She refers to it as strawberry… The checkout lady gave me three sections of stickers for Katie so that should keep her going for a while (just don’t put them on daddy’s car).
My wife is coming down with a fever and I was spent when I got home so I went to bed early. The idea was that if her fever got worse I would be rested to take care of Katie later in the evening. The tag team approach seems to work well with Katie…especially when she tries out her “night owl” routine.
1) Katie is into playing “Zebra Fair” these days.