Day #1207 (Wed., Apr. 24, 2013) – Monkey Stickers

2013-04-24 - Monkey StickersKatie insisted that we eat at the table this evening. She gave me a vase of daisies that she picked for me and that was our centerpiece. She didn’t like the bean casserole very much…but enjoyed the small piece of cheesecake my wife gave her.

This evening I gave Katie some “Monkey Stickers” (see photo to the left) that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. She quickly proceeded to stick them to the walls. When she put one on our HDTV she got some correction. Luckily it didn’t stick. I remember when she put one on my Camry a while back it was very hard to get it off. Luckily I guess the glue on these monkey stickers were not as intense.

Katie got into the calamine lotion this evening. When she was done it was everywhere. She even used some of it to paint my crocks shoes. My wife dutifully went on line to see if it came out in the form of a cream. Cream will do less damage than lotion if Katie gets into it.

I was planning to secure Katie’s dartboard to the main door of the house this evening but I didn’t have the right screws/nails. I will have to pick them up at the hardware store. I did trace out the figure of the size of the holes so I know which size screws/nails that I need to purchase.

1) Katie got into the calamine lotion this evening.