Day #1210 (Sat., Apr. 27, 2013) – Picking Strawberries
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This morning we packed up Katie and went strawberry picking (see photo to the right). It’s not to far from our house and today is the first day of the season. Not many red ones yet…but we did find enough to fill one bucket. When we got home we had fresh strawberries and found a recipe for strawberry cobbler.
Just before Katie went to bed we had a Skype session with my mother. Her phone was not working properly so we had to call up a number of times.
We tried to assemble the new platform bed we got for the master bedroom this evening, but the bolt location on the headboard was not right. We will have to contact the company and see if they can send us a replacement.
I put some screws on the door and affixed Katie’s dartboard to it. Now you can take the darts off without the board falling off as well.
1) Katie went strawberry picking today.