Day #1215 (Thu., May 2, 2013) – Sneezing On A Cake

My wife sent me the following email this morning:


Katie woke u at 8:45 and started choking-coughing, basically doing something weird. Then she threw up – 4 times. She has 100 F… I have no idea what’s happening. Becca is going to tke her to Fearrington or the Spence’s farm to see the animals. I suggested keeping her away from other kids – just in case…

9:40 am. I am in the bedroom. Katie is going to the bathroom talking:

Katie: “Becca, do you know how much I love you?”
Becca replies ‘oh’
Katie: “oh Becca, are you teasing me?”

Katie sounds happy, chatting to Becca non-stop…


And later in the day…


Becca said Katie started coughing a lot and has lots of phlegm. 🙁 But otherwise she seems very happy.


We were thinking of taking Katie to the zoo this weekend but it looks like she is coming down with a cold. So much for our weekend plans…

2013-05-02 - Domino CagesWe got out the box of big dominoes this evening and proceeded to make cages for all of Katie’s animals. A nice break from all the decorating that she has been into as of late.

My wife cut me a nice slice of chocolate cake this evening. I was about to dig into it when Katie crawled up and said that she wanted some. She then proceeded to give one big sneeze right over it. I didn’t want to eat it after that. Not because of the “grossness” issue, but because I don’t want to get her germs. I can’t afford to get sick again. Katie just got herself one nice piece of chocolate cake…but she didn’t really eat much of it.

1) Katie threw up 4 times today.