Day #1225 (Sun., May 12, 2013) – Mother’s Day Is Here

2013-05-12 - Cake & RosesMother’s Day is here. We had breakfast out on the patio. Featured prominanty was the flower pot of pink roses that I picked up at Trader Joe’s last night and my wife’s strawberry cake (see photo to the left).

My wife and I got to talking about how it is becoming more time consuming as Katie gets older. When she was born you had to get up often to feed and change her, but you could do other things when she was awake. Once she started to walk she would get into things and you had to keep an eye on her. As she gets older she wants more and more of your attention so you actually have to do things with her when she is awake. I guess the “pinnacle” of time consumption will be if she joins a sports team in school and you have to spend all weekend carting them around to various tournaments.

As usual, bath night is a drama for Katie. She will complain bitterly about taking a bath, but once her hair has been shampooed she is fine. After that she will usually stay in the tub for quite a while playing with her animals.

1) Katie is becoming more time consuming as she gets older.