Day #1234 (Tue., May 21, 2013) – Katie’s Graduation
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I have a lot of vacation time coming to me so I decided to stay home from work to take care of Katie. My wife had meetings at her job, and since Becca is on vacation I took today off to take care of Katie.
When Katie got up I fed her and bundled her up and we were off to NorthGate Mall. They have a carousel there and Katie has been asking about one for a while. Well, today’s the day. It’s a much shorter ride to NorthGate than it is to the Cary Town Center.
We had three rides in all and stamps on the hand to prove it (see photo to the left). The first was on a horse that Katie named “Sally”. The second was on the chair (Katie’s choice). The third was on a horse that Katie named “Elery”. The rides went well and everyone had fun…but it was hard to get Katie to leave. I think she was mad at me for taking her home as the first thing she mentioned to my wife when she got up from her nap was how much she missed Sally and Elery.
Tonight is Katie’s graduation from Turtle Class. Katie was full of energy and bouncing around. One of her classmates, Mason, decided to run and off went Katie in pursuit. The other kids would sit down and wait for their diploma to be handed out…but not our child. Mary had to give her the diploma and ask her to sit on the side of the stage as the chairs were all full by this point.
1) I took the day off work to spend time with Katie so my wife could go to work.