Day #1245 (Sat., Jun 1, 2013) – Katie’s Play Date
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My wife had an appointment this morning so I took Katie to the playdate with her preschool friends at the shady park near Chapel Hill High School. Only Elery and Mason and their moms showed up, but Katie had loads of fun running around with them. Eventually my wife arrived so I was free to go home. I was tired…was up til 1:30am trying to put Katie to sleep…
When my wife arrived home there was a moving van out in front of our house. I guess a family with two little girls is moving in (ages: 2.5 years and < 1 year). Their mother is a doctor from Duke. This neighborhood sure attracts doctors.
This evening I went to WalGreens to pick up a prescription. While there I came across some Hot Wheels cars…I thought Katie might like one (see photo to the left). I’m looking for something that will keep her occupied and “tucker her out” and perhaps this is it. Soon after I got home my wife arrived home with Lucy and Zack. I guess that Katie wanted to go for a walk.
Back to the Hot Wheels car. I assembled a little ramp out of construction paper and Katie and I played for a bit. Letting the car run down the ramp and into some block assemblies. Katie liked this as first, but soon the novelty wore off.
1) Katie had a play date with Elery and Mason this morning.