Day #1247 (Mon., Jun 3, 2013) – Eating Chips
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The picture to the left shows the stuffed tiger that Katie got last night at the frozen yogurt shop.
I stopped off at Trader Joe’s for supplies on the way home. Berries for Katie, juice packs, the usual… I also picked up some potato chips…something that Katie latched on to as soon as she saw them. She sure loves potato chips… Daddy’s girl…
For supper this evening I picked up some mushroom rice and meatballs. Katie sure took to those meatballs. My wife and I were noticing that she doesn’t mind spicy food…as long as it’s not too spicy. She’s like me in the respect that she likes finger food. She is more apt to eat something like a meatball than she is something like a casserole.
Alexa, our new babysitter, sent my wife this note this evening:
I was talking to my best friend about all the fun stuff I get to do with Katie and told her about how she has been talking about going to a farm/zoo for a while now and Haley (my best friend) has a horse that she keeps at a barn! She has invited Katie and I to come out on Wednesday to see the horse! Paintbrush (the horse) is 14 and she is a pony so she is very little and is very good with little kids so Katie can help brush her and depending on how comfortable Katie is with paintbrush she could ride her! If you aren’t comfortable that’s fine! I just think it would be really fun for Katie and she would really enjoy it!
My wife was up til 1:30am putting Katie to sleep. This “Rock Star Lifestyle” our daughter lives is wearing us out…
1) Katie enjoys her potato chips…just like daddy.