Day #1250 (Thu., Jun 6, 2013) – The Queen Of Sheba
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This evening my wife had a doctor’s appointment so I took care of Katie. Katie was into the television show “Word World” while I cooked dinner. I made some turkey bacon for Katie…which she loves. She asked me for some grape juice and I replied “Who do you think you are, the Queen of Sheba”? When I returned with the juice I looked around and said “Where is the Queen of Sheba”? Katie replied “Here I am”.
We played for a bit with her sticker/activity book.
Lucy asked my wife to take care of Zach this evening, so he is our house guest. Katie loves having Zach around. Zach…not so much. He will follow me around to get a gently pat or scratch behind the ear…followed quickly by Katie with her jumping and hopping and loud screams of delight. Oh, I forgot to mention the “pink meshy” on the back (see photo to the right).
We were telling Katie that she should be gentle with Zach. She tried to hug him this evening and he barked at her. This startled her and she started to cry. Hopefully this will teach her a lesson that dogs need their distance.
1) Katie is gradually learning how to treat dogs.