Day #1272 (Fri., Jun 28, 2013) – Into Board Games
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My sister and I went to the Royal Bank to close down the joint account my mother and I had. We also went to the TD Bank to ad my name on one of their accounts.
After mailing away all the boxes to North Carolina I was in the mood for a drive. I drove to The Falls to see the land that my father gave me. Trees have overtaken the land…you can barely see where the camp used to be.
Meanwhile back in North Carolina:
There was a suspicious person pretending to work for Duke Energy around the house today. My wife called the police and when the man showed up he gave Katie some “Chapel Hill Police” stickers (see photo to the left).
Alexa took Katie to the salt water pool today. There was a girl there of Katie’s age so they had lots of fun together.
Tonight Katie got into board games, but not into playing them, of course. Just “into them”.
It’s 11:09 pm and Katie is still up! They were having a pretty serious thunderstorm – lots of lightning, etc. Earlier today a tree fell down in our neighborhood.
My wife is so ready for Katie to sleep… Tomorrow they have to leave at 9:15 am to go to MacKenzie’s birthday party. Just one more round of Caillou, two tomatoes, milk, another story and I think Katie is out (it’s 11:35).
1) Katie got some Chapel Hill Police badges today.