Day #1275 (Mon., July 1, 2013) – The Whining Solution
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The photo to the left shows the 100-piece Canada Puzzle that I picked up for Katie when I was in Canada.
Katie was very fussy this evening. She wanted to go out and see the deer. My wife told her that they would, but we had to have dinner first. Katie would not understand or cooperate. She would whine and whine. Eventually I had enough. I got up and went to the kitchen looking for her. She could see by the look in my eye that I meant business. I said, “Katie I want this whining to stop right now. Mommy said that you could go out to see the deer later. If you continue to whine you will not be going out and will be going straight to bed”. She stopped whining… Point made…
After my wife and Katie got back from their walk this evening Katie and I nestled into the master bedroom. I decided that I would show her the television show “Mountain Men” and teach her a few things about living in the wilderness. I especially like Marty, who flies a plane into Alaska’s rough country to trap animals. She took in all that I was telling her…about the extreme cold, the snowmobile, the rough terrain. She really likes it when daddy teaches her things.
1) Katie stops whining.