Day #1283 (Tue., July 9, 2013) – House Streamers
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When I got home from work this evening Katie met me at the door with a hearty “Did you bring me a present”? She then proceeded to pat daddy’s horse (my Camry).
After dinner Katie was rather quiet. My wife and I were watching television in the living room and that is always a sign of concern. When I did get up and go find her she was in the office and had managed to get into the zebra streamers. It was untangled on the office floor. This was just a sign of what was to come. Her next act was to take the orange streamers and run them through the house. Up and down the hallway (see photo to the right). In and out of the kitchen. Oh, and don’t forget the bedroom. She sure had fun…but she will not need to clean up the mess.
My wife is organizing a pool party for the kids on Saturday. She emailed a number of Katie’s “Turtle Classmates”, but only Elery is able to come. We have also invited the neighbors kids. No problem if no kids come…Katie will have fun splashing and running about all by herself.
1) Katie ran streamers through the house today.