Day #1285 (Thu., July 11, 2013) – Ramona’s First Day
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The photo to the left shows our new shoe bench.
Today is Ramona’s first day back as Katie’s babysitter. She has not seen Katie in a while so she will really see a change. Katie can talk with you now and is sure energetic. I saw Ramona as I was leaving to work and she told me that she was really looking forward to being with Katie. My wife sent me an email while I was at work…Katie is so happy to see Ramona again.
Katie was very fussy and whining when I got home this evening. She wanted a present and when I said I didn’t have one she went ballistic. Now I could have figured out something to give her…but I don’t want to reinforce this bad behavior. Eventually she calmed down and we read the “Swift Family Robinson” on the LazyBoy.
This evening my wife was not feeling very well so she went to bed while I tended to Katie. We ended up in her bedroom where she would pick up her various plush animals and put them in her pillow case. I asked her why she was doing this and she said they were having a sleepover.
1) Katie put her plush animals in her pillow case this evening.