Day #1286 (Fri., July 12, 2013) – Eventful Trip To Northgate Mall
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Do you know when our rock star child got up today? Noon! She lives more and more like a rock star…prowl around all night and sleep during the day.
Ramona decided that she would take Katie to the Merry-Go-Round in Northgate Mall this afternoon. Unfortunately she lost her car keys while there an my wife had to drive out with her spare keys and bring Katie home.
When I got home from work this evening we had to go to Michael’s to take advantage of their 65% off custom framing sale. Katie of course wanted to put all the toy animals in the cart so she could play with them. Fortunately she was happy with some sticker books we purchased for her. Oh, and we also got a tube of marine animals for her to play in the sink with. We took along the paint-by-number (see photo to the left)…but we think it looks better in a dark frame.
A stop off at Trader Joe’s on the way home to get supplies for the pool party tomorrow. The cashier who used to babysit Mae and Wes was there and was surprised at how much Katie had grown.
As we were driving home Katie said “Do you know I’m cute”? I replied “Who says you are cute”? Her response “Everyone knows I’m cute”. My reply “Are you cuter than daddy”? Her response “Probably not, but I am getting cuter”.
Later in the evening “What is this naked child doing”? Her response “Getting food for my cats”.
1) Ramona took Katie to Northgate Mall today.